An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Glossary - T

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Third country

German: Drittstaat

A description of a country which does not belong to one of the following:

  • European Union (EU)
  • European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Switzerland

For entry to Germany, from third countries need a visa.


Trade and technical school

German: Fachschule

Trade and technical school is a type of school providing vocational education. Here, an individual with completed and with professional experience can undertake . This continuing VET can be completed on a full or part-time basis. Trade and technical schools also offer the following continuing vocational education and training:

  • Additional or development training courses
  • Continuing updating education and training measures

Trade and technical schools are regulated by the federal states

Trade or business

German: Gewerbe

A trade or business refers to a commercial activity operated independently and at one's own risk. For example: Running a restaurant, a shop or a . An individual with a trade or business does not have an employer.

A trade or business must be registered. The before it commences.

Freedom of trade exists in Germany. Each individual is permitted to practise a trade or run a business. For some trades or businesses however, a specific authorisation, a licence or a is required in order to be permitted to carry it out independently. In certain cases the trade or business is also specifically monitored. These trades or businesses are also referred to as regulated trades or businesses. These include, for example:

  • Security services
  • Insurance broker
  • Care services

There are other regulations for such trades and business in the .

Many trades and businesses are governed by the Trade Regulation Act. It is important to understand the regulations before commencing trade or starting a business. Information regarding this is available from the trade office (Gewerbeamt) and the tax authority (Finanzamt). Many trades or businesses also require recognition of a foreign professional qualification.

There are independent activities which are not classified as trades or business. These include the so-called . For example:

  • Lawyer
  • Artist
  • Scientist

Professions in the sectors of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are also not trades or businesses. Other regulations apply to these professions.

Trade Regulation Act


Trades and crafts sector

German: Handwerk

In the trades and crafts sector, individuals primarily engage in professions involving craft trade activities. There are around 130 craft trades. These include, for example:

  • Baker
  • Hairdresser
  • Watchmaker
  • Electrical engineer
  • Photographer

Training in the crafts and trades sector is completed with a journeyman examination after 3 to 3 1/2 years. Following this, there is the opportunity to complete as a .

Individuals with a craft trade are able to work independently. This means that they are permitted to run their own craft trade business.

In a you must be a . This is also the case with an foreign (). You must also have been entered in the beforehand. The Crafts and Trades Regulation Code regulates these requirements.

You can also run your own craft trade business in trades or crafts which do not require a licence and in those similar to the skilled crafts and trades . For this you must have previously been entered in a or you must register a with the trade office. is not required in this case.

The crafts and trades requiring a license and those similar to the skilled crafts and trades are specified in the Crafts and Trades Regulation Code in Appendix B.

Both apply to individuals with a foreign .

Crafts and Trades Regulation Code

Appendix B of the Crafts and Trades Regulation Code

Training company

German:  Ausbildungsbetrieb

Businesses and companies in which trainees are able to complete . The practical element of takes place in the training company.

Training occupation

German:  Ausbildungsberuf

An occupation for which training is provided via regulated and training. There are 2 types of training occupations

  • school-based training occupations
Translator (publicly appointed/authorized)

German: Übersetzerin oder Übersetzer (öffentlich bestellt/ermächtigt)
ermächtigte Übersetzerin/ ermächtigter Übersetzer
vereidigte Übersetzerin/vereidigter Übersetzer
beeidigte Übersetzerin/beeidigter Übersetzer

Translators translate one language into another. Sometimes a translation of official documents requires confirmation of the accuracy of the translation. If so, an official attestation clause and signature are then added to the document. Only authorized translators are permitted to issue this confirmation in Germany. They have been authorised by a court to do this. In Germany translators have a range of different titles They can be

  • publicly appointed ("öffentlich bestellt")
  • court appointed ("gerichtlich bestellt")
  • (generally) authorized ("(allgemein) ermächtigt")
  • (generally) sworn) ("(allgemein) vereidigt/beeidigt")

In most cases an application for recognition includes documents which need to be translated. A list of translators is available online in the federal state administration of justice department's database of interpreters and translators.

Sometimes do not allow translations from a translator who has been publicly appointed abroad. It is therefore important to ask the competent authority about this before a translation: Can I have my documents translated in my country of origin?
The German embassies in other countries provide information about the contact details of publicly appointed or authorized translators abroad.

Database of interpreters and translators

German embassies in other countries