An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Information on your details

  • Your profession: General nurse (m/f) (German: Pflegefachperson)
  • Your place of work: Pitschen-Pickel in Brandenburg
    • The profession of General nurse (m/f) (German: Pflegefachperson) is regulated in Germany.
    • Recognition of your professional qualification is necessary for you to be able to work in the profession in Germany. You are also able to apply for recognition after you enter the country. For further information: Click on the red button "Your procedure" at the bottom of the page.
    • Until 31 Dec 2019 the German title has been "Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger/in".

Get free advice about the procedure!

  • On the next page you will find the most important information about the recognition of your profession and the competent authority.
  • The counselling centre supports you with the recognition.
  • The counselling centre will help you with specific questions.
  • The counselling centre helps you put together the necessary documents.
  • The counsellor helps you with the application.
  • Then you can submit the application to the competent authority.
  • The competent authority checks the equivalence of your professional qualification.
  • The help from the counselling centres is free!

Counselling provides answers to the following questions:

  • Have I selected the correct reference profession?
  • What does the recognition procedure involve?
  • Which documents must I submit and in what form?
  • Can I receive financial support?
  • Do I have alternatives to recognition?
  • What can I do if I do not receive recognition?
  • What are the training options?
Our recommendation: First seek counselling and then apply for recognition. In this way any mistakes in the application and delays in the processing can be avoided.

Some information is required for the counselling. The counsellor can help you better with it This information is important:

  • What is the exact name of the profession or degree in your country of training?
  • Which qualification should be recognised?
  • Have you already applied for recognition? If yes, to which competent authority did you apply?

You can bring these documents to the counselling:

  • Certificates and subject overviews
  • Evidence of your professional experience (e. g. employment references or timebook)
  • Your proof of identity
  • Your current contact details
  • Your CV
  • Evidence of your knowledge of German
  • If you have already applied: the notice and letters from the competent authorities
If any information or documents are missing, don’t worry. You only need all the documents for the application itself.

Do you already have documents translated into German? If so, bring these with you to the counselling.

If any information or documents are missing, don’t worry. The counsellors can help you already. They will also tell you which documents you need in original or copy. You only need all the documents for the application itself.

No, you do not need to have all your documents translated for the counselling. Do you already have some German documents? If so, bring these with you to the counselling. The counsellor will tell you whether you need to have further documents translated for your application.

The competent authority is the agency or institution which implements the recognition procedure. The competent authority will also inform you about the procedure and whether an application is necessary. This happens before you apply. You will find the competent authority on the following page (Your procedure).

We recommend that you contact a counselling center before submitting your application.

In the recognition procedure, the competent authority checks the equivalence of your foreign professional qualification. Specific documents are necessary for this equivalence assessment. These show the content and duration of training. Your professional experience and other knowledge and skills are taken into account. Your foreign professional qualification is recognised as equivalent if there are no substantial differences when compared to the German professional qualification.

Your next step: The recognition procedure

In the following you can find the most important information for your application.
You will find the competent authority, information about important documents and further steps for the recognition of your professional qualification.