An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Your procedure as Translator (University) (m/f)
in Schreinerbauer

  • The profession of Translator (University) (m/f) is not regulated. You can work in this profession in Germany.
  • For entry into Germany and for residence in Germany, you must show that your higher education qualification is comparable with a German higher education qualification. One form of evidence is an extract from the anabin database. A guide to using the anabin database is available here. There is no charge for an extract from the anabin database.
  • If your university or your qualification is not listed in anabin with the required status, then you must apply to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) for an individual Statement of Comparability. There is a charge for a Statement of Comparability. Further information about the Statement of Comparability is available here: Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications.
  • The Statement of Comparability has many advantages.

The competent authority

Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB)

Graurheindorfer Str. 157
53117 Bonn

View on Google Maps

+49 228 501 664



The authority is responsible for several federal states. For this reason, there may not be a competent authority close to your selected location.


This procedure is called: Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications (in German: “Zeugnisbewertung für ausländische Hochschulqualifikationen“)

Please note:

You want to prove: Your higher education qualification is comparable with a German higher education qualification. You can do this with an extract from the anabin database. You can find instructions on how to use the anabin database here. You will then leave our information page. An extract from the anabin database is free of charge.

If your university or your qualification is not sufficiently listed in anabin, you can apply to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) for an individual Statement of Comparability.

For more information on the procedure for a Statement of Comparability: continue on this page.

  • You have successfully completed the course. You have a reference or a certificate.
  • You completed the qualification at a government institution or a state-recognised institution, for example at a public university.
  • If accreditation of the courses is a requirement in your country of training, then the course must be accredited. This means that the course has been inspected and approved by an official body.

You are not required to provide evidence of knowledge of German. However, knowledge of German is important for your job applications and your work.

Following your application, the competent authority will notify you of receipt of the documents. After 3 months at the latest, you will receive the Statement of Comparability.

Documents for my application

  • Proof of identity (e.g. passport or personal identification)

  • Marriage certificate (if your name has changed through marriage)

  • Certificate of completion for the higher education qualification in the original language
  • Summary of subjects covered in the degree and the grades in the original language
  • If available: diploma supplement in the standardised European form (in the original language)
  • If you apply for a BlueCard: your contract of employment
  • You may require other documents or additional documents. It depends on your place of study. Further information regarding this is available on the website of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). You will then leave our information page.

For the online application, you need the documents as PDF files. You can scan or photograph your documents for this purpose.

In many cases, you only need to submit your documents in the original language. This applies e.g. to the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.

For some languages, you must also submit your documents in German. Sworn or authorised translators must prepare the translations.

My steps to recognition

  • You can submit your application online. You will then leave our information page: To the ZAB

The competent authority receives the application. After one month at the latest, it will confirm that the application has arrived. Once the competent authority has received all the documents from you, it processes your application.

The competent authority initially checks these questions when processing the form:

  • Is your university degree comparable with a German university degree?
  • Did you complete your degree at a government institution or a state-recognised institution?
  • Does your course need to be accredited in your country of training? If yes: Is your course accredited? This means: is your course approved?
Outcomes: Statement of Comparability

You receive the Statement of Comparability. The Statement of Comparability is a description of your foreign higher education qualification. The Statement of Comparability contains the following information:

  • With which German qualification level is your certificate comparable? A qualification level, for example, is a bachelor's degree or a master's degree.
  • Which professional opportunities are open to you with this degree?
  • Are you able to continue your degree in Germany?
Outcomes: No comparability

In this case you receive no Statement of Comparability:

  • Your qualification is not comparable with any German qualification level.

The reasons for the outcome are included in the letter from the competent authority.

Please note: the ZAB lists some qualifications for which there is no Statement of Comparability. These qualifications can be found in the summaries of the documents to be submitted. These summaries are available for some countries of training. You will then leave our information page. To the summaries.

Your profession is not regulated in Germany. You can work in the profession without a Statement of Comparability. The Statement of Comparability is important, however, for your entry and your residence.

You are also able to start a new degree in Germany. The university may take into account individual courses you have taken. The degree is then shorter.

My other options

As an Ethnic German Resettler, you can select between two procedures for vocational recognition:

  • You apply for the procedure described here.
  • You apply for the procedure under Section 10 of the Federal Expellees Act (German: “§10 Bundesvertriebenengesetz, BVFG”).

You can decide this.

The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) is not in charge of the procedure under section 10 of the Federal Expellees Act. Usually the Ministries of Science in the federal States are in charge of this procedure.

  • Do you have any questions? Do you need help with the application? Seek advice! You will find your counselling centre one step in advance. In the navigation, click "Counselling offers".
  • Do you have questions regarding entry or residence? For more information see Working and Living in Germany.

Further information

last update on: 14.09.2023

The competent authority

Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB)

Graurheindorfer Str. 157
53117 Bonn

View on Google Maps

+49 228 501 664



The authority is responsible for several federal states. For this reason, there may not be a competent authority close to your selected location.

Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB)

The authority is responsible for several federal states. For this reason, there may not be a competent authority close to your selected location.

Any questions or feedback?

Do you have a question about the recognition procedure? Or have you noticed any information that could be improved? We're happy to help.