An offer from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Your recognition procedure as Engineer (m/f)
in Riederich, Baden-Württemberg

  • The profession of Engineer (m/f) is regulated in Baden-Württemberg. The professional title is subject to special protection.
  • Recognition of your professional qualification is necessary for you to be able to work in the profession in Germany. You are also able to apply for recognition after you enter the country. See “My other options” for further information.

The competent authority

Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg

Zellerstraße 26
70180 Stuttgart

View on Google Maps

+49 711 64971 0




The procedure is referred to as granting approval for use of the professional title “Engineer” (in German: “Erteilung der Genehmigung zum Führen der Berufsbezeichnung “Ingenieurin” oder “Ingenieur“).

  • Equivalence of your professional qualification
  • Primary residence, place of business, primary place of work in Baden-Württemberg. Or: You want to work or live in Baden-Württemberg soon.

You are not required to provide evidence of knowledge of German. However, knowledge of German is important for your job applications and your work.

  • One month at the latest following receipt of your application by the competent authority: The competent authority will notify you of receipt of the documents. They will inform you if documents are missing. The procedure begins when the documents are complete.
  • After 3 months at the latest you will receive notice containing the result. In specific cases the competent authority may extend the procedure.

Documents for my application

  • Application form from the competent authority

  • Proof of identity (e.g. passport or personal identification)

  • Marriage certificate (if your name has changed through marriage)

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Evidence of your professional qualification (e.g. certificates, certificate of entitlement)

  • Evidence of your professional experience in this profession (e.g. employment references)

  • Evidence of your other qualifications (e.g. continuing vocational training, seminars)

  • If available: Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)

  • If the profession is not regulated in your country of training, then you must provide evidence of at least one year of professional experience in this profession over the last 10 years.

  • Information about an application for recognition already submitted. In this case state to which authority you applied.

  • Are you not yet living or working in Baden-Wuerttemberg? In this case you must submit the following:
  • Confirmation of registration of your place of residence abroad and
  • Evidence that you want to work in the profession in Baden-Württemberg, e.g. job application, evidence of your application for a work visa.
Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg

The competent authority will inform you as to which documents you must produce as originals or submit as copies. Some copies must be officially certified. We recommend that you do not send originals by post.

You must submit your documents in German. Sworn or authorised translators must prepare the translations.

My steps to recognition

You may also apply if you are not yet living in Germany.

  • You can send the application by post to the competent authority. Do not send originals.
  • You may be able to send the application via email. Ask your competent authority before you do. Later on in the recognition procedure, you may be required to submit original copies or certified copies of the documents.
  • You are sometimes able to apply online. Later on in the recognition procedure, you may be required to submit original copies or certified copies of the documents. Use the federal state internet portal (in German) for the online application. You will then leave our information page.

The competent authority receives the application. After one month at the latest, it will confirm that the application has arrived. Once the competent authority has received all the documents from you, it processes your application.

The competent authority carries out an equivalence assessment: It compares your professional qualification with the German professional qualification as Engineer. As part of this, the competent authority takes into account your professional experience, other certificates and other qualifications.

The competent authority then checks other requirements for use of the professional title. This includes, for example, your place of residence in Baden-Wuerttemberg or your intention to work in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The procedure takes a maximum of 3 months. In specific cases the competent authority may extend the procedure. At the end, the competent authority sends you a notice containing the result.

Outcome: Recognition

Your professional qualification and the German professional qualification are equivalent. You receive authorisation to use the professional title. You receive a certificate for this. You also meet all further requirements. Your professional qualification is recognised.

You are permitted to use the professional title “Engineer”. Professionally you have the same rights as a person with the German professional qualification.

Outcome: No recognition because the professional qualification is not equivalent.

There are substantial differences between your professional qualification and the German professional qualification. You are not able to compensate for these differences with your professional experience and other knowledge of the profession. Your professional qualification is therefore not equivalent to the German professional qualification. Your professional qualification is not recognised.

In most cases you are able to complete a compensation measure. This allows you to compensate for the substantial differences.

Outcome: No recognition because you do not meet all the requirements.

Your professional qualification is equivalent. However, you do not meet all other requirements. You may still be required to provide evidence that you want to live and work in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The competent authority will inform you of which evidence is missing.

You are able to take legal action against the decision of the competent authority. Details on this procedure can be found in the legal redress advice (German: “Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung”) at the end of your notice. We recommend that you speak to a counselling centre first before challenging the decision or taking legal action.

Training measures and follow-up application

Your professional qualification is not equivalent. In this case you are able to attend courses or complete continuing education and training. Ask the competent authority about which courses and continuing education and training are recognised. You have to organise course participation yourself. Following this you can submit a new application for recognition (follow-up application).

If you meet all requirements, your professional qualification is recognised. Professionally, you then have the same rights as a person with the German professional qualification.

Do you come from a third country? You are permitted to enter Germany for training measures. Please seek advice if you have questions, or find out more about entry e.g. via the hotline Working and Living in Germany.


If you do not meet all requirements, you can find out from the competent authority about the options available to you. Were you not able to provide evidence, for example, that you live in Baden-Wuerttemberg? The competent authority can help you with this.

My other options

You may also be able to work in a non-regulated profession in Germany without recognition: 

  • This is possible, for example, with completed training and professional experience. What's also important is how much you earn, whether you have a contract of employment, whether you speak German and how old you are. We recommend that you complete the Quick-Check here, this will provide all the information:
  • This is possible, for example, with a higher education qualification: Find out whether it is comparable to a German higher education qualification. There are two ways of checking this. 
  • anabin database: You will find universities in the database. Your university must be recognised in the database (H+). AND your higher education qualification must be assessed as equivalent. This then means that your qualification is equivalent to a German higher education qualification. Save as a PDF. This is evidence. Further information and a guide is available at
  • Statement of Comparability: What if your university or qualification are not in anabin? In this case you can apply to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) for an individual statement of comparability. The statement of comparability is a document that confirms the equivalence of your higher education qualification with a German higher education qualification.

Do you need recognition in order to work in Germany? You can also apply for recognition after entering the country. For this you need a recognition partnership with your future employer in Germany.

The following requirements apply to a recognition partnership: 

Do you already live in Germany and are you permitted to work in Germany? If so, you may also be able to work without recognition in an engineering office, for example.

However, the professional title “Engineer (m/f)” is subject to special protection. You are not permitted to use this professional title. This also applies to word combinations using the professional title

You can find out more about entry, residence and work via

As an Ethnic German Resettler, you can select between two procedures for vocational recognition:

  • You apply for the procedure described here.
  • You apply for the procedure under Section 10 of the Federal Expellees Act (German: “§10 Bundesvertriebenengesetz, BVFG”).

You can decide this. Your competent authority will advise you.

Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications

A Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications can make it easier for you to access the German labour market. The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) assesses your certificate. Please note, the Statement of Comparability does not replace recognition of your professional qualification. You can only receive recognition of your professional qualification from the competent authority. Further information about Statement of Comparability is available here.

  • Do you have any questions? Do you need help with the application? Seek advice! You will find your counselling centre one step in advance. In the navigation, click "Counselling offers".
  • Do you have questions regarding entry or residence? For more information see Working and Living in Germany.

Further information

last update on: 24.05.2024

The competent authority

Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg

Zellerstraße 26
70180 Stuttgart

View on Google Maps

+49 711 64971 0



Ingenieurkammer Baden-Württemberg

Any questions or feedback?

Do you have a question about the recognition procedure? Or have you noticed any information that could be improved? We're happy to help.